Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Around Oakley: Best to check with city first regarding noise complaints

SOUND TRAVELS. I'm not saying this to give a science lesson or state the obvious, but just stating a fact. If one were to sit just about anywhere in Oakley when a train hits either the Big Break Road or the Cypress Road crossing gates and blasts its horn, it can be heard. The same can be said about other loud noises such as machinery and garage bands.

A garage band is exactly what it sounds like: a group of individuals who get together every so often to play musical instruments in their garage, or other location of their house, for the purpose of practicing and personal enjoyment. Nothing wrong with that. Just like any other hobby, everyone should have a chance to enjoy himself. Some have fancy equipment that could play sounds at different levels; for some, the only sound level is loud. Many teenagers, and adults as well, still like to jam with their friends. Again nothing wrong with that, except that sound travels.

Over the summer while enjoying the nice weather in the backyard, the sounds of a local garage band beating in the backyard became evident. Even though the musicians played into the night, long after the city's imposed end time of 10 p.m., it wasn't enough to bother me. I hadn't thought that maybe it bothered others though. During the past few months the band has kept up its practicing. For me it is only an unintelligible beat; for others, it appears the noise is a loud, unbearable whine.

While out searching for my missing cat a few nights back, I heard the sounds of the band beating in the background but didn't pay much attention. Since darkness comes early at this time of year, I found myself searching with my heavy-duty flashlight under the shrubs. Not long afterward an angry man pulled into my driveway and called out the window demanding if I knew where the band noise was coming from. It wasn't the first time I had heard my neighbors comment on the band, but it was the first really aggressive person who has approached me.

According to Oakley municipal code, any band that plays in a garage isn't doing anything wrong as long as it closes up by the 10 p.m. deadline. The code allows anyone to make complaints about the noise and to state a case to city officials that would enable them to make a decision to have the band stop or at the very least lower the noise.

For some, a 10 p.m. deadline is too late. This basically goes for any noise. Parents with young children and people who work various hours don't really care if 10 p.m. is the city's deadline for loud noise; some can't stand it any time.

Then there is the point of view of those who are making the noise. It is their house. Can't they do what they want? Don't they have the right to enjoy their hobby?

A balance needs to be found, and really that balance has to be amenable to all or trouble can ensue. In a situation like this it is easy for an argument to escalate and rage to get the better of normally calm individuals. These are the cases one hears about on the news when people get hurt because a situation got out of hand.

While everyone should be considerate with noise, whether it is from loud amps, machinery or even a barking dog, others need to realize that it isn't always the best answer to run out and get into a confrontation. This is part of the reason Oakley became a city. There are clearly defined rules to handle this exact situation, and the city officials are ready to take care of the problem and should be the first course of action, especially in this day and age when one doesn't know what they will run into if they go in fists first. Those interested can find an easy to read municipal code on the city's Web site at www.ci.oakley.ca.us.

1 comment:

  1. I may not be posting this on the right site, but I really have to comment on the revamping of downtown Oakley. When I moved to East County 25+ years ago Oakley smelled like rotten eggs and had old rundown buildings. Pretty gross. Now it looks 5 times better, EXCEPT for the portion where LaCosta and city hall are. What are they doing or thinking by putting in parking spaces in a 2 lane street? Did you see how close they are to oncoming traffic? It's so narrow through there I feel sorry for the large trucks and vehicles. Not to mention trying to back out of there during heavy traffic hours. Theirs a huge parking lot behind Centro Mart for parking. And the center island there in the middle. That area has always been congested. Why the hell did they not make another lane instead of worrying so much about trying to beautify the downtown area. I and a lot of others think that was very poorly planned. At least if your going to spend all the taxpayers money redoing the downtown area make it so works for everyone that drives through there on a daily basis. I commute everyday from WC on Hwy 4 and its a nightmare. Now I'm going to have come home and sit in more traffic in Oakley. This is going to be another nightmare. Somebody in Oakley had the wrong vision when they planned this.
