Sunday, August 29, 2010

Around Oakley: Beautification projects abound in city

By Roni Gehlke
For the Contra Costa Times

An unofficial beautification plan must have been in effect in the city of Oakley for the past few weeks, as not only city streets are being improved, but also local churches and residences are starting to show off their shine. Just a quick drive around the small city limits reveals many improvements.

Over the past few years the decline in the economy has been evident by the many foreclosed homes throughout town. With no one living in the homes, front lawns started to go to weeds, despite the city's attempt to pass ordinances that would keep properties well-landscaped even if they were unoccupied.

Now, homes are being purchased and the new residents are taking an active interest in beautifying their landscaping. An added advantage is that the cooling temperatures are allowing spring and early summer flowers to stay in bloom longer. Longtime residents are also adding new landscaping to their properties.

Many of the local churches throughout town are finally able to complete projects that are adding visual appeal as well as space to their properties. The corner of O'Hara Avenue is looking vastly different these days with St. Anthony Church adding its new parking lot. The project is a big change for the church that for years only had a sand lot for parking.

The city will soon be adding a sidewalk in front of the church, which will be an even bigger improvement to the busy street corner.

Members of the New Lifeline World Ministries on Empire Avenue are finally getting to the finishing touches of their new buildings. The group has been working for several years to move from the prefabricated building on their lot into a new structure. They are currently working on parking and landscaping.

A fire destroyed a major portion of the Destiny Church on O'Hara Avenue in September. The church has been working on fixing the damage. This last week, improvements have brightened up the outside of the building.

The repairs are ongoing. In the meantime those wishing to attend services are welcome to visit the city's council chambers on Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

There have been a lot of street closures, detours and delays as the city works on street improvements over the past few weeks. One of the biggest area of improvements is Empire Avenue near Laurel Road. The new center divides and road expansions will be going on for the next few weeks. When they are done, Empire Road between Laurel and Neroly roads will be four lanes with turnoffs onto the local residential streets.

Unfortunately, that is as far as it goes. Once the road continues over the railroad tracks it is no longer in Oakley's sphere of influence and becomes Antioch and Brentwood. Those two cities will need to work together expand the road further for better access to Slatten Ranch.

O'Hara Avenue has been getting some nice new sidewalks which is a big help for the Freedom High School students who walk the road to and from school. There is still a rather large area that needs sidewalk additions. Let's hope that happens soon. During the rainy season the children tend to move into the street along that area as the sand puddles up.

In all, kudos should go out to those making an effort to make Oakley look nicer.

Roni Gehlke is an Oakley resident. Reach her at

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