Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Playing Santa a labor of love for Selders

By Roni Gehlke

Occupation: Consultant with Robert Selders and Associates Consulting in Brentwood and Americap Property Solutions in San Ramon

Marital status/family: Selders is married to Cecilia Selders and they have two children, Julie and David. The Selders lived in Oakley for nine years before moving to Brentwood 21 years ago.

Proudest civic achievement: About 20 years ago, Selders was the Brentwood City Planner and worked with the Brentwood City Council to develop planning and zone ordinance codes.
"Over the years there have been changes to the codes, but the original intent still stands," he said.

About 25 years ago when Selders' children were in Scouts, Robert's wife made him made him a Santa suit so that he could play Santa for their children and their friends. "I always enjoyed playing Santa," he said.

About 10 years ago, Selders started to fill in as Santa for the downtown Brentwood Holiday Parade. He also participates in the Discovery Bay Parade, the Brentwood Police Department family holiday party and visits senior rest homes throughout the area.
"I like to work with the nonprofits and never charge," he said.

Regarding the senior rest homes, he said: "I just enjoy doing it and watching the old folks get a big kick out of having me there," he said.

Of all his experiences as Santa, Selders remembers one time after the Brentwood Holiday Parade when a young girl, who used to go to school with his daughter, sat on his lap and asked "Santa" to bring her father home from where he was stationed in Sri Lanka, India. "You never want to make promises you can't keep as Santa, but that one was one promise I just couldn't do anything about and stuck with me," he said.

Future achievement: Selders said that now he works mostly in the private sector, so his concentration is on consulting about future development in the area. While he is working on this as part of his livelihood, he does see it as a responsibility to do the best for the community that he has enjoyed living in all of these years.

Groups and organizations involved in: In past years Selders has been a member and past president of the Rotary Club, held a position on the Brentwood Chamber board of directors, as well as held the position of president when the Chamber started the CornFest. He is a past citizen of the year of Brentwood as well.

Hobbies: When he isn't working and playing Santa, Selders enjoys camping and fly-fishing.
What was the last book you read: Selders said that most of his reading these days has to do with technical work of his business and hasn't had a chance to read a book in a long time.
Favorite movie: His favorite move is "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" which stars George Clooney, John Goodman and Holly Hunter.
— Roni Gehlke

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