Saturday, August 8, 2009

New consignment shop opens for tots, moms-to-be

Name of business: Tummies to Tots

Type of business: Maternity and children's consignment store

Owners: Jeannette and Bill Hemenway

Founded: July 2009

Address: 3860 Balfour Road, Suite A, Brentwood

Phone number: 513-6556

Hours: Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Number of employees: four

Products and services: Tummies to Tots offers "new-to-you" clothes and gear for kids and mommies-to-be. It offers everything a parent needs from maternity wear through children's clothes size 6/7, including toys and furniture. Brands include Mimi Maternity, Pea in the Pod, Gap, Gymboree, Janie and Jack, Carters and Ralph Lauren and more. Many items arrive new with tags and can still be purchased at 50 to 75 percent off the regular retail price. All items are in like-new or gently used condition. Gear such as slings, strollers, cribs, changing tables, high chairs, boppy pillows, booster seats and toys are also available.

How did you get into the business?: "Having a 3-year-old daughter who seemed to outgrow her clothes and toys in record time became frustrating when we thought about much money we spent on them," Jeannette Hemenway said. "And to just give them away or throw them away when I was sure there were moms that could use them was frustrating. I didn't know how to find those moms, but I knew they were out there".

Hemenway said that in an economy where parents are looking to save every dollar they can, it just seemed like the right move.

"People are struggling but kids still outgrow their clothes. We have to buy them new clothes and toys. It's inevitable. And we always want the best for them. So if we can give them a chance to make some money on their barely used items, and trade up to the next phase at a deep discount, everyone wins."

Hemenway said that not having a children's consignment store in the Brentwood area has been a frustration for many and that they wanted to fill that void.

Best part about the business: "Having the opportunity to give back to our community and the relief we have been able to give so many parents when they can come shopping and get the better brands at cheaper prices and get more of them without ruining the budget," Hemenway said.

She said it's a wonderful feeling to be hugged by a stranger for giving them this choice for shopping. "We feel truly blessed," she said.

Worst part about the business: Having to reject items that don't meet their selling standards. "We simply can't put stained or torn clothing in our store, but it's hard to disappoint people," she said.

She explained that some are really hoping they can work magic for them, but the fact remains that they have to be picky about what they accept.

"Our shoppers depend on my critical eye, which means we just can't accept everything, but we hate to disappoint people just the same."

Key to success: "Being fussy about the clothes we put on the racks, and pricing them right so everyone walks away happy," she said. "I'm just as fussy about a clean store that smells good. Having people walk in and feel good about being there. That's the key to success for us."

Biggest misconception about the business: "That our clothes are used and worn. They aren't. Our clothes and gear almost always look brand new. They may have had a previous owner, but they look and smell great," she said.

She also said that the items in her store are not garage sale items. The consignors will make more money than they will at any garage sale. People who have never consigned often don't understand that, she explained.

Future plans: The Hemenways would like to expand their space to offer even more variety, and depending on the success of this store, there are plans to open Tummies to Tots in other areas as well.

"The more we can offer, the more we can give back and that's what we want to do. It's a win-win for everyone," Hemenway said.
— Roni Gehlke

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