Friday, May 8, 2009

New Oakley store offers women's fashions, accessories

New Oakley store offers women's fashions, accessories
By Roni Gehlke
Name of Business: The Clothesline
Type of business: retail women's clothing
Owners: Walter and Lat Pompei, owners; Ricky Crum manager
Founded: February 2009
Address: 3330 Main St., Oakley
Phone number: 925-625-4400
Hours: Tuesday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Number of employees: five
Products and services: The Clothesline offers women's clothing and fashion accessories from a multitude of suppliers, including the "big three" department stores, at 70 percent off of their retail prices. Their selections include everything from casual, everyday wear to evening dresses.
How did you get into the business: "Fashion has always been a hot market with the caveat that it is constantly changing and fluid," Crum said. "We noticed this market was not being served in Oakley, namely there was no quality clothing available at affordable prices. With a little research and a few business contacts we were able to secure first-quality clothing from a major department store."
Best part about the business: "The compliments we get on the quality and pricing of our clothes," Crum said.
Worst part about the business: Crum said that there is a constant change in the current trends and keeping up with them can be challenging at times, but they work to find exactly what the local market is looking for. "It is also hard finding effective advertising to let our customers know we are here," Crum said.
Key to success: "Offering quality clothing at affordable prices and carrying the hottest styles for the current and upcoming seasons," he said.
Crum also said that they listen to their customers' requests and make every effort to consider their comments and suggestions when they make new inventory purchases.
Biggest misperception about the business: "People sometimes think that because of our affordable prices that we have inferior products," Crum said. "To the contrary, our products are all major label, first-quality clothing."
Future plans: Crum said that they would continue to bring quality products, increase their customer base and possibly open a new store in Brentwood.
— Roni Gehlke

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